I've slowly, but surely fallen in love with Max Factor's Max Effect nail polish - especially because it works well with the Christmas and New Year period. I bought it in Ivory (02), which is has very fine glitter in it. Most people think glitter is tacky, which is an understandable opinion as most glitter nail varnishes have large chunky glitter flakes, but I am sure those people will beg to differ once they see this nails varnish.
I was also shocked by the size of that bottle at first glance. It's tiny! However, once I tried it, it felt like a very good quality nail varnish and it's chip resistant, which makes me feel like it was (slightly) worth it. I put on a manicure pink nail varnish first to give it a more natural shade.
I am also thinking of trying OPI's Gone Gonzo nail lacquer. Let's hope I am just as impressed with that as I am with this.
Score: 8/10
Seeing the Stars At Night
I am a city girl; but going to the countryside has become my yearly ritual during the long summer holidays. When I go, during this period of time, I go in quite a large group, which consists of people from places across England and Wales.
I have learnt to become one with nature and (most importantly) if you shower in the afternoon, expect an army of flies to congregate above your head.Now, I cannot imagine sheering the sheep and mowing the fields, but the joy that one gets from being away from practically everything 'city' is indescribable. It starts with the withdrawal symptoms such as feeling the non existent phone vibrate in your shorts, but ends with a solitary tear as you silently wish you could stay for just a little bit longer.
The people you meet on this trip, you will never forget - along with the amazing view of the stars at night.
I have learnt to become one with nature and (most importantly) if you shower in the afternoon, expect an army of flies to congregate above your head.Now, I cannot imagine sheering the sheep and mowing the fields, but the joy that one gets from being away from practically everything 'city' is indescribable. It starts with the withdrawal symptoms such as feeling the non existent phone vibrate in your shorts, but ends with a solitary tear as you silently wish you could stay for just a little bit longer.
The people you meet on this trip, you will never forget - along with the amazing view of the stars at night.
The xx- Heart Skipped a Beat
In my life, I have experienced a lot of 'love'. I think Love is such a weird thing. It has many levels: from generic love, such as loving a meal, to agape Love. It is such a powerfull word that can create or destroy any relationship. Should so much power be put in a single word?
With all the greatness that this word brings, I am scared of it. They say it is something you cannot control. That gives me the idea that Love controls us. We fall in love, we think about that person all the time, we want them to be happy before we are, but do not get to choose when we feels this way and towards whom .
Twin Magazine
If you have never heard of Twin magazine, then you you are most certainly missing out. I went to one of Twin's events in Old Street and I must say, it was very fun.
The theme of the party definitely represented them from the drinks made from scratch to the creative appetisers.I also skimmed through the pages of the magazine and realised this was not like any ordinary magazine - I am not talking about the fact is hard back and very very thick. It has a unique edge like no other, which Ralph Lauren seems to agree.
photography by me
To Love Is To Lie

Tells me he loves me,
I postulate the pros of being with someone so divine,
But i reply with a heavy heart,
'I do not love anymore'.
His once so bright and beautiful eyes glisten,
The pain so apparent that I struggle to hide my own.
oh love, my love, this is your fault,
this heart of mine does not mend.
Poem by Myself
Ring bought at a convention a few years ago
"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song."
If you have never heard of this song, it is by Bon Jovi but covered in this video by a singer called Birdy. Birdy is 14 in this video - as hard as it may be to beleive.
I love everything about this song and video. From her voice, to the way she is dressed, to the general style of the video. She sings the song with such passion that everytime I listen to it - which is much more than you would assume - butterflies frolock frantically around in my stomach. If you dare to disgree with me, you do not know music.

This is not Birdy but the style of this girl is very much like her own. I also love the colours in this dress - as one would expect me to; most of my outfits are based around these colours.
Title is a quote by Lou Holtz.
I love everything about this song and video. From her voice, to the way she is dressed, to the general style of the video. She sings the song with such passion that everytime I listen to it - which is much more than you would assume - butterflies frolock frantically around in my stomach. If you dare to disgree with me, you do not know music.

This is not Birdy but the style of this girl is very much like her own. I also love the colours in this dress - as one would expect me to; most of my outfits are based around these colours.
Title is a quote by Lou Holtz.
“A grownup is a child with layers on.”
I remember thinking that I owned the world. When I was fourteen, I used to speak in such a manner that anybody in a 12 mile radius would know that I was an 'able' student, who could sit any exam and pass with flying colours without attending a single lesson. I thought I was mature, an adult, ready for what this world had to offer, but not in the good way.
Little did I know that confidence would be the downfall of my pre-teen life and that asking my parents for unrealistic curfews did not make me anymore of an adult than wearing my mothers clothes did. I learnt this the hard way.
Near to my fifteenth birthday, the UK had a results day. A results day is a day that students, who sat an exam between a period of time, would have to go and get their results during the holiday from school. I pranced into school with my head held high and slid out of school with my head hung in shame at what to me was the worst grade I have ever received -and hopefully will ever receive. It was not as bad as you may think; I passed but not with flying colours. And that was the day were it hit me: I am not an adult and if I do not begin to try harder, applying to Cambridge after my A-levels will be as silly as bungee jumping without the bungee.
When I was 15, I felt very small. My confidence began disintegrate and I spent less time pretending to be smart and more time actually being smart. As you would expect from any cliche story, the C i received when I was fourteen was balanced out my the A* I received when I was fifteen and that grade averaged out to an A. I did not stop there, I only tried harder.
I am now 16 and although I still feel as small as I was when I was 15 the amount of responsibility that is forced on me is immense. I am meant to have it all together and know where, when and what I will be be doing in 10 years time but honestly, what 16 year old knows that? What 20 years old knows that even? Do not say a determined one because even they certainly do not know. That makes me wander about a lot of things: when are we considered an adult? Are we an adult when we know what we want? When the government says? or by whatever science has to prove?
Science says that our brain continues to develop a long time after our teens. By a study, the brain of an 18 year old is very different to the brain of a 25 year old. Does that mean their are different stages of adulthood? But then when do the stages start? Honestly, I do not think we ever becomes adults; Our body and mind work towards it but we never actually get there because even the smartest of people have a lot to learn from life. We are always growing up but deep down behind the large words we use and the amount of facts we know, there is still that little curious little child within us. Some people may call me weird (mainly the ones who know me well).
Title is a quote by Woody Harrelson.
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