1st December 2013 was World AIDS Day. With loads of thought and preparation, we managed to create and exciting and informative day for the members of Diapalante, with drama, art, talks and question time.Our celebration of the day began the night before, with an introduction with the adults. They created an article in either English or French on AIDS. We picked one piece of work to be stuck around the centre on World AIDS Day for everyone to read. These two students also became Students of the Month for their hard work.
To get the kids involved I had a small morning lesson with them, where they created posters relating to the day. I motivated them with promises of sweet and their work around the centre. The kids were excited to have their posters up (and some mints), poking and prodding me until their poster had been stuck up somewhere around the centre.
The afternoon began with preparing the outside of the centre for the big drama. All the members got involved, picking up the rubbish and scraping the sand to make the ground flat. If you would like to see team work at its best, I propose watching Africans work together.

With both the centre tidy and posters stuck up, the event began. It commenced with a small speech by member and local teacher, Mr Salle. I would tell you what was said if I understood!
After Mr Salle's speech, the drums began; the play had started. The play was an exciting way to get everyone thinking about AIDS, with army members using condoms to kill the 'great SIDA'. It being the only time where it has ever been appropriate to laugh when learning about such a serious topic .
Last, but not least, was the talk and question time with specialists, only for those over the age of fifteen. Sadly, I could only understand the bare minimum due to that pesky language barrier creeping out to bite me again. The members seemed very interested though, asking loads of questions. I have never seen them so attentive!